Category Archives: Medical Malpractice

Medical Error Brought by Medical Abbreviations

Abbreviations have been adapted throughout history due to their usefulness at saving both time and [...]

What is Informed Consent in Medical Malpractice?

In health care, surgeries, extraction and other procedures that may sound, seemed or have history [...]

Pharmacy Errors & Malpractice in Cleveland

Medication errors can occur anywhere from prescription through distribution, dispensing, and administration. While a doctor [...]

Medical Malpractice in Cleveland & Fraudulent Doctors

If the doctor is fraudulent, you could still have a medical malpractice claim. In fact, [...]

How to Prove Medical Malpractice in Cleveland

Proving a medical malpractice case can be challenging. Often someone’s health is already compromised, so [...]

Medical Malpractice Claims For Wrong Diagnosis

A wrong diagnosis can become very dangerous; an example would be a missed cancer diagnosis. [...]

Legal Action After Anesthesia Error in Ohio

Anesthesia complications are a concern when undergoing any surgery, both major and minor. They can [...]

Pre-existing Conditions & Medical Malpractice

An insurance company or the defense may try to undervalue your personal injury case by [...]

Medical Malpractice Court Cases

More than half of medical malpractice cases go to litigation, according to a 2012 study. [...]

Fee for Hiring a Medical Malpractice Attorney

A medical malpractice attorney’s fee is a common (and valid) concern among injured patients unsure [...]