Driver Impairment Caused by Huffing

Driver Impairment Caused by Huffing

Driving impairment or driving under influence by either drugs or alcohol has significantly increased in the last few years naturally. These drugs affect a driver’s sense of verdict when on road, impaired senses in general which lessens reaction time specifically, and even motion and movement issues occur sometimes. Most common drugs that are used by drivers as well as according to police records from the caught DUI drivers are cocaine, heroin, meth, and marijuana. Damage is apparent from DUI as in 2016, the authority has recorded 10,497 fatalities linked to alcohol-paired driving crashes and drug related effects which accounts for almost 30% of all traffic-related fatalities in the U.S. and more than 1 million drivers were arrested for driving under influence of alcohol or narcotics which is crazy high. 

Aside from synthetic substances, drugs and alcohol, another root cause of driver impairment that barely in question and is barely detectable and even oftentimes, unintentional, is huffing. Huffing is a term used to describe an occurrence where a person inhaled various household products and industrial products/ vapor and when inhaled and comes contact to someone’s system creates a high effect.

Drugged Driving Statistics

Driving under influence of drugs, substance, and alcohol has extreme consequences such as car accidents due to its effects mentioned earlier. Some studies prove it as evident danger as: 

  • According to Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), 43.6% of fatally injured drivers in 2016 were tested positive for drugs and more than half of those numbers were positive for more than two drugs. 
  • According to National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), in 2018, 20.5 million people over age 16 practices DUI in their past year and 12.6 million of them drove under influence of illicit drugs. 
  • According to the said survey, most driver who practices DUI are women. A significant number of adults aging 21 to 25 drive after drinking or taking drugs than younger drivers aged 16 to 20 or 26 and older.  
  • Aside from marijuana, prescription drugs such as sleeping pills were linked to driving crashes. In 2016, 19.7% of drivers were tested positive for some form of opioid. 
  • Among all drugs that cause impairment to a driver, marijuana was found out the most used followed by cocaine and forms of pain relievers. 
  • A study reveals that one out of 6 college students with access to a car has driven under influence of drug or alcohol atleast once. 

What Causes Huffing?

Huffing are caused by inhalants, specifically, these substances are chemicals found commonly in households and certain workplace as products that produce chemical vapors. These vapors are likely to be inhaled to induce “high” and accordign to studies, inhaled substances are the most rapidly absorbed by the brain to produce high.

  • Solvents 
  • Aerosol Sprays
  • Gases
  • Prescription medicines such as nitrites

Ryan Injury Lawyers 

If ever one of your family members or closests friend has been involved in an case of misdiagnosis or malpractice (including home accidents) or who have sustained either minor or significant injuries and even a possible case of complications because of negligent person liable that has shown apparent negligence and recklessness and caused an accident and render the victim to have life-threatening injuries and condition, you can always refer help from a professional experienced injury lawyer to smoothen things out as your hired lawyers can help you decide from their factual and legal advices.

Ryan Injury Lawyers is an Ohio based injury lawyer that represents victims of personal injury caused by car accidents, medical malpractice due to medical professional’s negligence, and even wrongful death against large companies, agencies and even individuals. We have 40 years of experience doing our service in this field and evidently successful with our civil litigations. Call our office now for free legal consultation.