Sudden unexpected infant deaths are very traumatic for their parents. Such deathis made even worse because the cause is unknown. Given that an infant is healthy, this gives parents a hard time understanding and comprehending. A child’s parent makes them think twice about their worth as parents and have second thoughts about their actions.
The Ohio revised code 313.121 was implemented to help ease the shock of parents who lost their children due to unexpected death. Section 313.121 states that if a seemingly healthy baby between two years of age and one year old dies, the coroner must be notified immediately. Thereafter, a thorough autopsy will occur.
The death may have occurred at their residence or in a hospital. And such death shall be reported immediately to the local medical examiner. Regardless of where it occurred, the family usually wants an autopsy to be done. As the parents look for answers to the sudden death, an autopsy can give them peace.
When an infant of tender age dies suddenly, the law provides the coroner, deputy coroner, or other person designated to conduct an autopsy. The coroner or any other person assigned to conduct an autopsy shall accomplish a sudden unexplained infant death investigation (SUIDI) reporting form. The same coroner shall send the SUIDS form to the appropriate child fatality review board. It is important to note that these forms are not considered public records since the report involves minors whose identities the law protects.
SIDS Statistics
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 3,400 infants two years of age or younger die annually. This number includes those labeled as under sudden infant death syndrome. It can be difficult for the department of health and the CDC to determine the actual trend of these deaths. Since the parent or legal guardian is often unaware that SIDS causes these deaths, the actual number is undeterminable.
Fortunately, the incidence of SIDS had decreased dramatically since 1990, when it was estimated at 130.3 deaths per 100,000 live births. In 2019, SIDS was at 33.3 deaths per 100,000 live births.
Request for Autopsy Report by the Parents