Tips for Talking to Insurance Company

Tips for Talking to Insurance Company

Tips for Speaking to the Insurance Company After an AccidentOne of the insurance adjuster’s primary objectives is to save his or her company money. This routinely means finding ways to reduce the value of your injuries and damages. As such, you should exercise caution with communicating with an insurance adjuster or any representative for any of the involved companies.  Below are eight tips on how to protect your claim when dealing with the insurance company. Tip 1: Talk to a lawyer as quickly as possible – A personal injury lawyer can act as your advocate in all dealings with the insurance company. This includes offering personalized advice on everything from how best to communicate with the insurance adjuster to handling settlement negotiations on your behalf. Tip 2: Know who you are talking to: Before you proceed with any conversation, ask for the person’s name, position and contact information. Record this information and store it with your other case information. Tip 3: Be prepared for all conversations – Write down all of the pertinent facts of the accident and injury. Have the accident report and other evidence at your disposal. Talk to your lawyer about how best to answer the most likely questions. You also should discuss what to say or do when the adjuster asks a question for which you are not prepared. Tip 4: Stick to the facts – Do not elaborate on the details of the accident or offer your personal observations or opinions. Statements such as, “That guy was a terrible driver and deserves to lose his license,” or, “I never even saw his brake lights – were they functioning?” could inadvertently hurt your claim. Tip 5: Be courteous – An insurance adjuster may say troubling things about the accident or the value of your claim. Do not express negative emotions, such as shock, anger or frustration. Avoid getting into an adversarial situation by allowing your lawyer to handle any and all conflicts. Tip 6: Do not agree to a recorded or written statement – A written or recorded statement can be used to damage your claim as your case progresses. Your lawyer can advise you on whether or not to agree to such a request. Tip 7: Do not discuss your medical history – An insurance adjuster may attempt to blame your accident injuries on a pre-existing condition. Your lawyer can advise you on your obligations should an insurance company request details on past conditions and injuries. Tip 8: When in doubt, turn to your attorney – Do not be afraid to say, “I cannot answer that at this time,” or, “I need to consult with my lawyer,” when confronted with a question or request you do not understand. Get personalized answers to your questions about insurance adjusters by talking to an attorney today. Call 877-864-9495 to schedule a free consultation with Ryan, LLP in Cleveland.

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