Crash Accidents in Construction Sites

Crash Accidents in Construction Sites 

There are many injuries that could be sustained in a construction place given that there are more than seven million people who were employed to the sector of construction in U.S. just last year, which is in fact there was a slight decrease observed few months back then. There are dozens of factors that could contribute in an event of accident inside a workplace, especially construction sites where there are many hazards present such as tools and even its settings itself could be a factor of sustenance of injury.

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)’s reports, one in ten construction site workers are injured every year and there are around 150,000 injuries sustained by workers from consturction site accidents yearly according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). One of these dire injuries sustained are crush injuries which frequently occur in construction workplace, may it be major or minor case. In construction sites, crush injuries usually involve limbs and any moving body part used in carrying or accomplishing tasks with equipment or machines. Most of crush injuries end up being permanent injury or amputation or disability as it is a drastic destruction of a part affected, on extreme extent, death could even be possible.

Causes of Crush Injury 

First, a crush injury is a type of physical harm that occurs on either one part or regional part of the body wherein it is pinned down by a heavy object or crushed between two objects. Crush injuries are uncommon in day to day life, but considered possible in workplaces especially in construction sites.

According to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), large objects, heavy machinery, and others were called as fatal four as these are the following major leading causes of death among construction workers:

The most common causes of crush injuries at construction sites include:

  • Accidents involving construction site vehicles
  • Machinery accidents
  • Cave-ins or trench collapses
  • Falling objects

Examples of Injuries

Here are some examples of damages that one’s body could sustain from crush injuries:

  • Bleeding
  • Bruising
  • Fractures
  • Lacerations
  • Infections
  • Compartment Syndrome (causing increased pressure in an arm or leg)

Ryan Injury Lawyers

If ever one of your family members or closests friend has been involved in an accident or have sustained an injury inside a workplace or caused by a workplace and even a possible case of amputation because of negligent person incharge of their safety liable that has shown apparent negligence and recklessness and caused an accident and render the victim to have life-threatening injuries and condition, you can always refer help from a professional experienced injury lawyer to smoothen things out as your hired lawyers can help you decide from their factual and legal advices.

Ryan Injury Lawyers is an Ohio based injury lawyer that represents victims of personal injury caused by car accidents, medical malpractice due to medical professional’s negligence, and even wrongful death against large companies, agencies and even individuals. We have 40 years of experience doing our service in this field and evidently successful with our civil litigations. Call our office now for free legal consultation.