By Thomas Ryan | Medical Malpractice
Personal protective equipments or simply called “PPE” allows you to cover up and protect yourself from something hazardous from the nature of your work, but it doesn’t just end there. PPE covers a variety of necessary things that have anything to do with safety from clothing items like gloves or goggles all the way to more extreme protection such as respirators against hazardous conditions. It’s important for people in any field, especially working with contaminant hazards because regardless of what line of work they are in, any form of subtle danger is present, especially medical professionals deal with viruses on every day basis so wearing proper gear is essential as well.
By Thomas Ryan | Medical Malpractice
Medical malpractice is a tricky area of the law because it has to be proven that each element was present. A plaintiff must show that they were owed a duty by an individual or entity and then establish what type of dereliction occurred (negligence, deviation from standard care). The third leg in this stool requires evidence showing financial damages as well as direct cause-and-effect between those two elements – not just one’s intuition about causation. For example, if you’re feeling tired all day long after being given medication for your headache pain but are unsure why you feel so exhausted when taking Advil instead does wonders for your ills; medical records could help tell us more on such matters than our gut instinct alone can provide. To start with, here are the four D’s of medical malpractice claim eligibility
By Thomas Ryan | Medical Malpractice
Medical misdiagnosis is a huge problem that’s more prominent among infants and toddlers. They can’t articulate their complaints, so doctors have to use analytical skills when trying to diagnose them with differential diagnosis. If they’re wrong about the source of suffering, it could be fatal for young kids because there isn’t time for another doctor visit or surgery if something goes wrong. These medical blunders and negligence usually pertains to affect a child’s physical, mental and neurological aspect, wherein neurological health is categorized into cognition and coordination which are both essential and influencial in the process of growing up for picking up new skills and knowledge, being it possibly jeopardized by some medical misdiagnosis
By Thomas Ryan | Medical Malpractice
Malpractice suits have been around since antiquity because it offers financial security in an unpredictable field like medicine where failure may happen more often than not by simply doing one’s job properly. Malpractice suits can be a great way to make sure that patients are getting the best care possible, but there is always potential for abuse. Medical malpractice exists for reasons and one of them is to make sure doctors create additional preparation and bedside practice (to avoid future failures) or else suffer consequences such as monetary compensation pay-outs if they deliberately failed their patient; something which only adds insultt injury on top of what was already done wrong through malpractice.
By Thomas Ryan | Medical Malpractice
Few medical errors are as vivid and terrifying as those that involve patients who have undergone surgery on the wrong body part, underwent the incorrect procedure or had a procedure intended for another patient. These are medically and legally called “wrong-site, wrong-procedure, wrong-patient” mistakes (WSPEs) were labelled as preventable events, errors that should never occur and indicate serious underlying safety problems and is strictly punishable by law as it jeopardize one’s life if a surgery is crucial, case by case.
By Thomas Ryan | Medical Malpractice
According to Justpoint’s Victor Bornstein, at every moment of every spike of COVID-19 cases, there is a proportional significant increase as well in medical malpractice lawsuits filed after every 45 estimated days. He also added that the last year’s medical malpractice claims they have worked on were still COVID-19 related cases, and still continuing to increase in the present days not from mainstream hospitals where COVID-19 patients are rushed and get medical care as needed but within nursing homes as well where old people are proven to be susceptible from the rusk of the virus.
By Thomas Ryan | Medical Malpractice
The medical profession is a field that requires precision, accuracy and attention to detail. If the doctor fails at any of these aspects then it can result in an adverse effect for their patient which are common called in legal terms as medical errors wherein is part in the collective term as medical malpractice.
By Thomas Ryan | Medical Malpractice
There are so many ways to make mistakes during surgery, but not all medical errors constitute malpractice. Malpractice is defined by the failure to follow appropriate standards of care and the proximate cause for harm from that error, not merely an accidental mistake or a faulty procedure. If you are unaffected in any way by your surgical procedures, then it would not be called malpractice because surgeons must maintain high levels of skillful practice under pressure when they choose this career path. And it would be a surprise to commit such mistake given that someone’s life is at stake, but when they do, it would cause damage for both patient and surgeon’s end.
By Thomas Ryan | Medical Malpractice
Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative neurological disorder that typically affects an elderly person over time. It can make it difficult to walk or talk, for example. From the onset of symptoms until they have their full effects on you, Parkinson’s Disease takes 10-20 years to take its toll on your body and mind.
By Thomas Ryan | Medical Malpractice
Allergies can be caused by substances such as pollen, molds, animal dander and latex though some people may also have allergies without being exposed to any of these allergens in particular formaldehyde for example has been shown to cause allergic, most people would rush immediately to hospital if home remedies are not enough, chances of medication errors are in play as well.