Cleveland Slip and Fall Lawyer

cleveland slip and fall lawyer

Eight hundred five workers died from slipping and falling accidents in 2020. Many people do not usually talk about slip and fall accidents, but it’s one of the fatal accidents nationwide. Slip and fall accidents can occur anywhere and endanger many people’s lives. According to the National Safety Council (NSC) report, fatal injuries from slip and fall accidents are not always caused by falling from great heights. These accidents are often unpredictable, and they pose a significant risk factor. Because of this, injuries from slip and fall accidents can be some of the most severe and expensive to treat. If you encountered a slip and fall accident in Cleveland, you must speak with our Cleveland slip and fall lawyer at Ryan LLP Injury Attorneys. An attorney can help you pursue compensation for your damages from the at-fault party.

We offer a free consultation to discuss your legal options and help you get the compensation you deserve. Reach us at (216) 600-0308 to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our Cleveland slip and fall attorneys.


protect your rights with an experienced slip and fall lawyer

Our Cleveland accident attorneys have a combined experience of more than five decades in the legal field and have successfully represented hundreds of personal injury clients.

We’ve helped countless people receive compensation for their injuries. Throughout our experience, we’ve fought aggressively to recover more than $10 million in compensation for our injured clients.

Our legal team at Ryan LLP Injury Attorneys is highly selective in the cases we accept. Our attorneys acquire a restricted number of clients to ensure that each client receives the personalized attention and care they deserve.

At Ryan LLP Injury Attorneys, we provide a free initial consultation to evaluate your situation and plan for your defense. Our legal advocates will thoroughly investigate your slip and fall case, gather evidence, and negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf.


common causes of slip and fall accident

There are many reasons why slip and fall accidents occur. The most common causes of these accidents include:

  • Slippery and uneven surfaces. Wet or oily floors, loose carpeting, potholes, and other obstacles can cause you to lose footing and slip.
  • Environmental factors. Snow, ice, rain, and leaves make surfaces slick and dangerous.
  • Inadequate lighting. Poorly lit stairwells, parking lots, and sidewalks can make it difficult to see and avoid obstacles in your path.
  • Lack of operational training. Employees who are not adequately trained in maintaining a safe environment are more likely to place themselves and others at risk.
  • Property owner’s negligence. Property owners are responsible for maintaining their premises safely and reasonably hazard-free. If they fail to do so, they may be held liable for any injuries.
  • Faulty footwear. Wearing shoes with worn-out soles or high heels can make you more susceptible to slipping and falling.
  • Defective flooring. Worn or damaged flooring can cause you to trip and fall.

Manifold factors cause slip and fall accidents. Suppose you encountered or were involved in a slip and fall accident. In that case, it is essential to speak with an experienced Cleveland slip and fall lawyer immediately to preserve your rights and compensation.


most common injuries in a slip and fall accident

Slip and fall injuries can be catastrophic and, in some cases, fatal. The most common damages that result from these accidents include:

  • Head, neck, and brain injuries. Head injuries are some of the most common and most severe injuries resulting from a slip and fall incident. Head injuries can range from concussions to traumatic brain injuries (TBIs).
  • Spinal cord damages. A fall can cause the vertebrae in your spine to compress, resulting in spinal cord injuries. These injuries can lead to paralysis, loss of sensation, and loss of motor function.
  • Soft-tissue injuries. Sprains, strains, and bruises are common injuries resulting from a slip and fall.
  • Severe lacerations. Cuts and scrapes are some of the most common injuries in a slip and fall. However, more profound lacerations can also occur.
  • Severe fractures. A slip and fall can cause serious fractures to your bones, including your hips, wrists, ribs, and pelvis.
  • Other severe injuries. Slip and fall accidents can also cause internal bleeding, organ damage, and life-threatening injuries.


compensatory damages available in a slip and fall accident

Many compensatory damages may be available for a slip and fall injury victim. These recoverable damages include economic, non-economic, and punitive. Economic damages are recoverable compensation with a direct monetary value attached to them. They include:

  • Medical expenses. All reasonably necessary medical treatment, including hospitalization, surgery, doctor’s visits, medication, and rehabilitation costs, can be recovered as economic damages.
  • Lost wages. If you cannot work because of your injuries, you can recover your lost wages as economic damages.
  • Future lost earnings. If your injuries have caused you to lose the ability to earn a living, you can recover those future earnings as economic damages.

Non-economic damages do not have a specific financial value but still compensate you for your losses. They include:

  • Pain and suffering. The physical, mental, and emotional anguish caused by your injuries can be recovered as non-economic damages.
  • Loss of consortium. The loss of companionship, love, and affection caused by your injuries can be recovered as non-economic damages.

The judge or jury may also award punitive damages to punish wrongdoers for their grave misconduct. They are only available in rare cases and are not meant to compensate the victim but rather to deliver a message to the defendant that the law will not tolerate such negligence.


things you should do after a trip fall accident
  • Seek medical attention. Your health and well-being should be your top priority after a slip and fall accident. Even if you do not think you are injured, it is essential to seek medical attention. Some injuries, such as concussions and other traumatic brain injuries, may not present symptoms until days or weeks after the accident.
  • Report the accident. If the accident occurred on someone else’s property, report it to the owner or manager. If the accident happened at a place of business, be sure to ask for an incident report.
  • Collate tangible evidence. Take pictures of the accident scene, including any hazards that caused you to fall. If there are witnesses, be sure to get their names and contact information.
  • Find witnesses. Ask anyone who may have seen the accident to give you their contact details. You don’t have to solicit their testimonies right away. Getting their contact information will allow you to contact them later if you need to.
  • Build a slip and fall claim. Work with an experienced Cleveland slip and fall accident lawyer to build a strong compensation claim. Your Cleveland slip and fall accident attorney will help you recover viable evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and fight for your rights in a personal injury lawsuit.


establishing liability in a slip and fall accident

Before we can impose liability in a personal injury claim, we must first establish the presence of the elements of an individual injury case. To further understand this, we’ll break down the factors below.

  • Duty of care. The first element establishes the legal obligation to take reasonable precautions to prevent foreseeable harm. For instance, property owners have a duty of care to keep their premises reasonably safe.
  • Breach of duty. The second element proves the violation of established duty. For instance, if a property owner fails to clean up a spill and someone slips and falls, the property owner has breached their duty of care.
  • Sustained injuries. The third element requires the plaintiff to show that the accident was a direct cause of their injuries. In our previous example, if a victim sustained injuries on somebody else’s property, they would need to show that a negligent property owner directly caused their injuries.
  • Preventable accident. The fourth and final element proves that the accident was preventable. The plaintiff must show that the defendant could have reasonably prevented the accident from happening. In our example, the property owner knew about a spill but did not clean it up. The plaintiff would likely be able to prove that the accident was preventable.

If the court presides over a personal injury case and finds a property owner liable for the accident, the property owner would be required to provide financial compensation to the victim.


ryan llp cleveland slip and fall accident law firm

Ryan LLP Injury Attorneys‘ legal team comprises seasoned trial lawyers with a track record of success. Our top priority is to assist victims in obtaining the compensation they deserve. Here’s why our firm stands out from the competition:

  • Five decades of solid experience. Our attorneys have over 50 years of expertise handling personal injury claims. They have the knowledge and resources to help you get through this challenging situation.
  • Millions of compensation won. Our personal injury law firm has assisted innumerable clients in obtaining millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements.
  • Contingency fee and a free initial consultation. We don’t charge any fees until we win your case. Furthermore, your first consultation is complimentary.


What is my slip and fall accident case worth?

The court will base your case value on various factors, such as the severity of your damages, your medical treatment expenses, whether you missed work, and the long-term effects of your injuries.

Our experienced Cleveland slip and fall lawyers at Ryan LLP will be able to give you a better estimate after reviewing all the facts of your case.

How long do I need to file a slip and fall accident claim in Cleveland, OH?

According to Ohio Revised Code section 2305.10, you have two years from the date of your accident to submit a personal injury claim. The Ohio law also states that If you fail to file a claim on time, the court may bar you from receiving compensation for your injuries.

Can I still recover damages if I was partially at fault for my trip & fall accident?

Slip and fall victims in Cleveland, OH can still receive compensation for their bodily damages even if they share a fraction of the fault for the accident. The law also allows victims to demand compensation from the property owner’s insurance company. Consult with a Cleveland trip and fall lawyer regarding your case.

Do I have a case if I slipped and fell on something slippery while I was in a store and suffered injuries?

Yes, if you and your lawyer can show that the store was negligent and that a store employee should have known about the hazardous substance before your fall.

I tripped and fell in a store and got injured. The owner’s insurance company would not pay my bills because the condition that caused my fall was “open & obvious.” What does it mean?

In Ohio, property owners often use the “open and obvious” defense to avoid liability. This means that if the condition that caused your slip and fall accident was readily visible, the property owner might avoid accident liability.

Is it worth hiring a slip and fall lawyer?

Hiring slip and fall accident attorneys in Cleveland, OH is highly advisable as they can significantly propel your chances of receiving compensation for your injuries.

How much does a slip and fall accident lawyer cost?

The cost of a personal injury attorney differs depending on the lawyer’s experience, the type of case, and the amount of work required. At Ryan LLP, our personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, which means we only get paid if we win your case and recover compensation.


slip and fall attorney

We understand the challenges you are facing, whether you’re dealing with injuries or the death of a loved one. The last thing you should be concerned about is how to pay your growing medical bills and other expenses. With the help of our Cleveland slip and fall lawyer, you may recover compensation for all your damages to get you back on your feet. Contact our office at (216) 600-0308 to book a free consultation with our Cleveland slip and fall attorney.

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