
How to Deal With a Tailgater

By Thomas Ryan | Negligence

In road, there are various risks that a driver and vehicle occupants will be exposed to and these risks are caused by multiple factors. Usually these factors are generally identified as mechanical errors, environmental factors, and lastly, human errors. All of these factors are deal wide range of damage which commonly results in sustenance of injuries and even death. Human errors have high fatality as the driver itself is the cause of the accident, some examples are drunk driving, drugged driving, aggressive driving, and tail gating.


Pursuing Injury Claim For an Injured Child

By Thomas Ryan | Negligence

Car crashes are unexpected adverse events and would tend to leave people involved in the crash to be confused and scared, especially when children are involved. Ages around 9 below would definitely won’t understand what is going on and why it happened and even make the event scarier for them when they see blood and injuries from their parents or even to them, this would leave parents unsure of next step to take.


Christmas Rush Mall Workers’ Injuries

By Thomas Ryan | Negligence

Upon hitting holiday season dates on calendars, most companies would announce massive sales on their products with significant price discount and consumers go crazy over it and rush over malls and market squares to buy their stuff.

Along with these are the risks that entails it, due to massive density of population inside an establishment or even in sidewalks, it doubles. Shopping-related injuries are injuries that require little to no condition for it to happen and are sustained suddenly from few factors such as: uneven floor surface, lying materials on surface, misplaced or faulty cables lying on surface, human error, and defective products.


Christmas Day Related Fatalities and Accidents

By Thomas Ryan | Negligence

Christmas Day is around the corner and people are swarming over malls, establishments, and along roads and whereabouts vary in relation to their preparation for their respective celebration of Christmas Day. According to estimates from National Safety Council (NSC), they said that more than 370 people may die along U.S. roads this Christmas Day holiday period, they said that many will prefer car or land travel which will cause the spike of fatalities and car accidents as car travel has records of having the highest fatality rate among other form of transportation-based fatalities per passenger mile and given that holidays like fourth of July and Christmas Day celebrations are likely to involve alcohol consumption which is a major factor to all motor vehicle road crashes.


Ohio-based Lawyer Suspended for Mishandling Six Clients’ Cases

By Thomas Ryan | Negligence

On November 17, the Ohio Supreme Court has decided to suspend a Cleveland based attorney namely Harvey Bruner in service for 2 years as per to majority of votes of 5-2 in respond to his inappropriate actions including ethical violations, specifically, billing a client’s mother twice for round trip expenditures to Youngstown to “visit” his client in prison when the said man was in the local county jail.

Aside from suspension, the Supreme Court has ordered him to pay a total of $2750 as restitution to two clients. In the event, the Court overruled Bruner’s objections and arguements as he had plead for the Court to adopt a two-year suspension with one year stayed as recommended by him and the Ohio State Bar Association (OSBA) or either remand the matter to the Board of Professional Conduct for a new hearing.


Negligent Vehicle Maintenance

By Thomas Ryan | Negligence

Owning a car weighs heavy responsibilities afterwards, from safety driving and road usage up to the maintenance itself. Buying a car is expensive but the latter part is more expensive, excluding the responsible driving and adhering to road norms, that adds up more when used daily wherein fuel cost, oil changes, tire maintenance, battery, replacing cables and hoses, etc. are being minded while one enjoying the experience of owning a car. These costs are more heavy and creates an inconvenient scenario when encountered a problem unexpectedly.


Workplace Lifting Injuries

By Thomas Ryan | Negligence

Most work places are well-equipped with technology and machineries that easen employees’ required task and the fact that manual works are unavoidable. Manual lifts and manual moving of work-related stuff from place to place or arranging puts an employee in danger according to studies, but the fact that these handlings and liftings involve more than just the limbs but it includes the spinal cord, hips, and neck which is a great implicit exercise or workout for employees, on contrary, given that these specific regions of the body are involved, it could also mean that errors in those said region is high possible when an employee is doing the lifting or handling wrong or is involved in an accident.


Difference between Workers’ Comp and Personal Injury

By Thomas Ryan | Negligence

People who are new to filing a case against someone or been involved in an accident who has no idea what type of case they have in their hand are initially confused on who to seek assistance to and what type of lawyer they’d get to work with their settlement of the case. These scenarios usually happen potential clients when they are involved in an accident from either work or along roads, they are clueless and left in shock to make their next move.

In this blog, we are going to give light to victims of most accidents where they have sustained either minor or major injuries on what type of case they have in their pocket to them idea what course of action they should take that is apt and according to their case to effectively save their money and time on needless matters during their civil litigation.


Risks of Vibration to Construction Workers

By Thomas Ryan | Negligence

Big movements, small movements, all happen simultaneously in almost every work place which are sometimes not noticed by people inside the work place’s premises as they are focused on their own craft or role. May it be a construction site or an office workplace setup, vibration is always present and even more surprising when we knew that even grocery stores produce miniscule amount of vibrations that is barely felt by most of us.

If you are wondering why we are talking about vibrations, because in this blog we are going to talk about how vibrations could affect a worker that is exposed daily to such “risk” in his/her long term health. Some of the readers would think of vibrations as risk is a myth and isn’t real, but it does. Some studies in U.S. which has focused on industrial and workplace related produced vibrations which piqued their interest and invested thousands of their time as it has been intriguing on why people working in fields that produce vibrations in any amount appears to feel few health condition, specifically musculoskeletal and neurological conditions which is punishing people at old ages (also age range where people from the said fields retire at) which they found out that it is not plain coincidence.


Hard hats in Construction Work Place

By Thomas Ryan | Negligence

Construction jobs are the hardest occupation here in U.S., most would say and do agree as numbers of risks are present in even the smallest quarter inside a workplace. Some of these risks are the major ones such as falling off, tripping from tools and equipments lying down, eletrocutions, unsafe and defective electrical equipment, and being struck by falling or moving objects.

Among all of these risks, the most easy to avoid and preventable risk is being struck by falling or moving construction objects but unfortunately, despite the efforts of non-profit government agencies that promotes safety and security inside a work place, sustenance of injuries and deaths is still recurring as there are more than 50,000 employees who sustained injuries caused by being struck by falling object according to Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and specifically, 116 injury sustenance event happen every day caused by falling objects or 1 injury per 10 minutes in a day.


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